Our Mission:
The Workforce Development team’s mission is to empower our students and alumni throughout our programs by providing them with the skills and confidence necessary to achieve their goals and make a positive contribution to the community.
We aim to arm students with the essential work readiness and life skills that will guide them through the career exploration process and ultimately facilitate their transition from a student/trainee to a self-reliant employee.

Hostos CEWD Report: Aligning Non-Matriculation to Matriculation Programs, summarizes participation of key staff at Eugenio María de Hostos Community College (Hostos) and its efforts carried out as part of the Capital One Foundation’s Community College Workforce Development (CCWD) Cohort (2015-2021). In partnership with the college’s Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) and faculty, we embarked on an initiative to encourage greater collaboration between continuing education and workforce development and academic departments/divisions in the college.
Proposed recommendations for moving forward are shared based on the learnings from the CCWD Cohort and the Hostos experience. Next steps are drawn from best practices that hold promise to strengthen the Hostos student experience while deepening collaborations between the Division for Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWD) and OAA. Read the full report here.
Apprenticeship in Non-Traditional Occupations:
A Case Study of the Hostos CEWD Community Health Worker (CHW) Registered Apprenticeship Program
This case study reflects findings from the research that was conducted to identify the early successes and challenges of Hostos’ CHW apprenticeship program. Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWD) at Hostos Community College, operates two New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) registered apprenticeship programs out of its campus in the Bronx, New York: Community Health Workers (CHW) and Computer Support Technicians. The apprenticeship programs at Hostos are increasing our effectiveness in engaging employers in meaningful partnerships that benefit them and their workers. Read the full report here.
Evelyn Fernández-Ketcham
Vice-President, Continuing Education & Workforce Development
Phone: (718) 518-6656
E-mail: HCCWFD@hostos.cuny.edu