Hyflex Classrooms

HyFlex Classrooms at Hostos

What is HyFlex

A Hyflex classroom at HostosHyFlex instruction is a model of instruction that combines in-person traditional instruction, synchronous online learning, and asynchronous online learning components in a flexible course format. In a HyFlex course, students may choose to attend in-person classes, attend remote lectures synchronously.

Hostos Community College has outfitted five (5) Smart Classrooms with technology in order to support remote students who are unable to attend a course that meets in person or on campus. This technology includes a Meeting Owl Pro 360 camera, and support rear mounted monitors. This technology is integrated with Zoom to allow students to participate in class A Hyflex classroom at Hostosas if they were in person. The Meeting Owl Pro contains an array of cameras and microphones to provide intelligent 360-degree video and audio. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Meeting Owl Pro uses its microphones to keep presenters in the view of the camera and provides a panoramic view of the entire room.

Helpful Tips Before the Class

  • Go to your course in Blackboard and click on the Zoom link.
    Click on the "Schedule a New Meeting" button in Zoom.
  • Schedule recurring Zoom meetings for the days and times of your classes.
  • The following presets are recommended for classes in Zoom:
    • Host Video On
    • Participant Video On
    • Mute participants upon entry
    • Record the meeting automatically In the cloud (never locally)
  • You may also set the sound notification when someone joins or leaves to Host and co-hosts only as this can be very distracting to the session. While in Zoom, go to Settings and set the Sound notification to Host and co-hosts only.
  • Make sure that the correct video and audio device are selected such as the Meeting OWL Pro for both video and Mic audio.

The following is a list of Hostos Community College HyFlex Smart Classrooms (subject to change):

  • A Hyflex classroom at HostosA-436
  • B-515 (also equipped with laptops that hide away)
  • C-463
  • C-551 (also equipped with laptops that hide away)
  • C-593A

To request HyFlex Smart Classrooms technical support, please call us at (718) 518-6523.

For information about Hyflex Learning at Hostos, please visit https://commons.hostos.cuny.edu/edtech/faculty/teaching-with-technology/cuny-modes-of-instruction/hyflex-mode-of-instruction-pilot/