Access more information about the administrative, educational, and student support assessment committee (AESAC), the degree program assessment committee (DPAC) and the general education pathways assessment committee (GEPAC)
Sources of funding, division allocations, applying for funds
OAA councils, committees and teams and link to Senate Committees’ pages |
Curriculum Office
Pathways, Degree Maps, AUR/CAPR, College Catalog, T-Rex, Curriculum Committee |
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Fellowship Leave
Research, Fellowship, and Scholar Incentive Awards |
Board of Trustees Bylaws, Charter of Governance, Senate, PSC Contract |
Grants and Research
Grant Proposal Development, Routing Checklist and Notice of Intent, Research Compliance, Project Management, News & Events |
Mass Email Distribution Request
Request Form, Policy, FAQs |
Pathways General Education
Required Common Core, Flexible Core, College Option, Gateway Courses, Transferring Credits, Degree Program Courses & Requirements, Appeals, FAQs |
Hostos Policies & Guidelines, CUNY Policies & Guidelines, Academic Integrity, Grading, Religious Accommodations, P&B, Payroll, Summer Employment |
Professional Development
EdTech, Grants, CTL, CUNY Faculty Affairs, Recruitment and Diversity |
Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure
Faculty Portfolio, Peer Observation, Applications for Promotion, Fellowship and Professor Emeritus |
Blackboard, Classroom Management Protocols, Duplicating, Grading, Smart Rooms, Student Behavior, Technology Request |
Application and Requests, Reimbursements, Forms |
Workload & Release Time
Workload Forms, Multiple Positions Requests, Release Time Form |