

The EdTech Office offers tutorials and one-on-one assistance to faculty who are either experiencing issues with Blackboard or who want to expand their utilization of the tool.  For more information about Blackboard support, visit EdTech.

Cancelling Classes

If an emergency arises and a faculty member must cancel a class, faculty should:
  1. Contact the department administrative assistant so a sign can be posted on the classroom door and on the television screens located in each lobby.
  2. When possible, email students via CUNYfirst and/or Blackboard to notify them of cancellation.


Faculty are able to request copies of classroom materials in the Duplicating Office located in the basement of the B Building.  Requests for jobs less than 100 sheets can usually be completed upon request.  Requests for copies in excess of 100 sheets may take more time and faculty should plan accordingly. 
It is important to note that exams should not be given to student workers for duplicating.  Faculty members should identify their duplicating request as an exam and student workers will identify a full-time staff member who can complete the requested duplication.


A detailed account of the Hostos grading policy can be accessed here.
For a detailed explanation of all “W” grades and their financial aid implications, please click here.

Smart Rooms

Prior to requesting a Smart Room, faculty members must be Smart Room certified.  The certification was implemented to ensure that smart rooms are fully utilized by assigned faculty.  For more information regarding the policies and procedures for certification, visit EdTech.

Student Behavior

At times, students may display behavior that negatively impacts the classroom learning environment. 
Faculty should contact Student Life in the following instances.
  • A student’s behavior is continuously disruptive to the learning process. 
  • There is a change in a student’s normal behavior
  • There are Academic Integrity violations
Faculty should contact Public Safety in the following instances.
  • Your safety/classroom safety is compromised
  • There is physical violence and/or destructive behaviors
  • There is sexual harassment or assault
  • A student talks about suicide
Student Life Office
Building D, Room 101

Public Safety Office
Building C, Room C-030
Technology Requests
Multi-media carts, iPads and laptops can be reserved for classes via the Academic Computing Center online reservation system.