Eligibility Status:
- Freshman: Only students who are admitted in college are eligible for CLIP. Potential students must show a letter of acceptance from their CUNY college, an identification card, and a Public Assistance Recipient Card if applicable. They must show any CUNY Placement scores they may have received. Students who are SEEK or College Discovery must also bring proof of status.
- Matriculated Students: must be referred by a faculty member or an academic advisor to be accepted in CLIP. Students who are not from Hostos must bring a referral letter and/or a document showing their latest transcript and academic performance.
- Students from senior colleges: We accept students who have been dismissed from a senior CUNY college or freshmen who have been admitted in college but have not yet met the college's entrance criteria (low ACT scores).
Registration Process in CLIP:
- Students must fill out an application and questionnaire with the CLIP Office (currently online) after being accepted to a CUNY College. They must then attend an orientation session, as advised by the CLIP Office. They must also take the CLIP Placement tests to be placed properly at the appropriate level.
- After students attend an orientation session, they must pay at the Bursar's office and email a receipt to the CLIP office showing payment. (See: Schedule and Fees)
- Students are then assigned a level, class and instructor. This information is sent by email by the CLIP Office before the first day of class. Students are later issued a Photo ID (by request).
Next Registration Schedule: Please contact the office at
(718) 518-6645 to find out about the next registration day.