S.E.E. See, Explore, Engage initiative

Hostos Community College Career Services is proud to announce a partnership with Deloitte that will give 15 students the opportunity to visit and learn more about internship and career pathways in business and accounting. On April 21st 2023, Lisanette Rosario, Director of Career Services, Professor Claude Fernandez, and fifteen Hostos Community College students will take part in a tour of Deloitte's corporate offices, as well as a workshop to help map out individual skills, interests and goals.
This partnership is an exciting opportunity for Hostos Community College students to explore potential career pathways and gain insight into the corporate world. At Deloitte, students will be able to gain first-hand knowledge of what a successful career in business and accounting could be like.

The partnership between Career Services and Deloitte began in the Spring of 2022, when Deloitte joined Hostos Community College to collect over 100 suits from Deloitte professionals for students in need of proper business attire. In the Fall of 2022, 20 Hostos Community College students attended Deloitte Academy online workshops. Now, with the addition of this visit to the corporate office, 15 more Hostos Community College students will have a chance to explore the potential of a career with Deloitte.

Deloitte Workshop