If you are approaching your last term at Hostos and are ready to apply for graduation, you can now apply online! Students that will have completed their current degree or certificate requirements by the end of the term, must submit an Application for Graduation through CUNYfirst. If all requirements are not met by the end of the current term, the student must reapply for graduation in order to be considered for a subsequent term.
Last day to apply for the Spring 2025 semester is Monday, April 7, 2025.
Quick Reference:
- Login to CUNYFirst, select Campus Solutions→ Self Service→ Degree Progress/Graduation →select Apply for Graduation → click on the link Apply for Graduation for the academic program you intend to complete at end of the term.
- From the Expected Graduation Term dropdown menu, select the term you intend to complete your requirements (i.e. 2022 Spring Term). Select continue to verify data and then click “Submit Application”. You will receive a message that you have successfully applied for graduation.
We wish you all the best on your final semester. If you need additional assistance, contact the Graduation Audit Unit by email: graduationaudit@hostos.cuny.edu or phone: (718) 518-6771 or 4422.
Graduation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is an associate degree?
It is a 2-year undergraduate academic degree granted upon successful completion of an undergraduate course of study. Also, this a degree earned between a high school diploma or GED and a Bachelor’s Degree.
How can I check my name on CUNYfirst and get my EMPLID?
Your 8-digit EMPLID can be found on the back of your Hostos Community College Student ID and within your CUNYfirst Account. This is a forever number in the CUNYFirst System.
Quick Reference Guide: CUNYfirst account > Student Center > Top of Page
What information can I find on my transcript?
Some important information you can find your name, academic plan and/or sub-plan, address, courses taken, degree awarded, grades, grade point average (g.p.a), total credits earned, transfer credits earned (if any).
When am I eligible to graduate?
There are (4) dates of graduation. This depends on when your application for graduation is submitted and degrees are conferred.
Prospective Graduation Date |
Term |
January |
End of the Fall Term |
February |
End of the Winter Session |
June |
End of the Spring Term |
September |
End of Summer Term |
What does conferral date or conferred mean?
The conferral date is the official date of graduation and when your degree is awarded. The date appears on your diploma and transcripts.
Prospective Graduation Date |
Conferral Date |
January |
January 1 |
February |
February 1 |
June |
June 1 |
September |
September 1 |
Why do I need to apply for graduation?
The process of graduation is not automatic and students must file a request to graduate. A request initiates the audit of a student’s academic record to determine their eligibility for graduation.
When should I apply for graduation?
The request must be submitted at the beginning of the semester you expect to graduate. Filing dates are posted each semester on the Registrar’s website and are printed in the Academic Calendar.
How can I apply for graduation?
It can be done through the self-service option through CUNYfirst through the deadline date posted on the academic calendar.
To apply online:
- Login to CUNYfirst, select Campus Solutions → Self Service→ Degree Progress/Graduation → select Apply for Graduation → click on Apply for Graduation for the academic program that you intend to complete at the end of the term.
- From the “Expected Graduation Term” dropdown menu, select the term you intend to complete your requirements (i.e. 2023 Spring Term). Select continue to verify data and then click “Submit Application.” You will receive a message that you have successfully applied for graduation.
If you need additional assistance, contact the Graduation Audit Unit at
How can I check my degree requirements?
Refer to the Hostos Academic Bulletin, Degree Maps and CUNYfirst DegreeWorks.
Quick Reference Guide:
College Catalog: College home page > Academics > College Catalog
Degree Maps: College home page > Academics > Degree Maps
Degree Works: College home page → Academics → Office of Academic Affairs → Degree Maps
What is a commencement ceremony?
A commencement ceremony is a large, formal gathering to recognize graduating students. At Hostos Community College there is a one ceremony at the end of the spring term for students who have met their degree requirements and applied by the stated deadline.
How do I get commencement information?
The Office of Student Activities distributes tickets & invitations to a student only after the Registrar’s Office verifies the student is eligible for graduation. Also, you may visit the commencement website
Commencement Website: College home page > Campus Life > Commencement Information
For general questions about commencement, contact the Office of Student Activities at:
450 Grand Concourse, Rm. C-371
Bronx, New York 10451
Phone: (718) 518-6561
Email: commencementinfo@hostos.cuny.edu
Who is invited to the commencement ceremony?
The commencement ceremony is for the following graduates and candidates:
- September Graduates
- January Graduates
- February Graduates
- June Candidates
For example: September 2019 Graduates, January 2020 Graduates, February 2020 Graduates, and June 2020 Candidates.
Note: Attending the commencement ceremony does not mean you have graduated. Degrees are awarded subject to completion of degree requirements by the appropriate deadline. When a student degree is awarded, the student’s name appears under the appropriate class as a graduate. When a student degree has not been awarded, the student’s name appears under the appropriate class as a candidate.
How am I notified about my graduation status?
You will be notified by email as your record is reviewed. It will be sent to your Hostos preferred email address listed on CUNYfirst.
Be sure to add the graduationaudit@hostos.cuny.edu email address to your contact list. This will avoid the email getting placed into a spam or junk mail folder.
Hostos Webmail for Students: College home page > Login to > For Students > Webmail
When can I expect an email from the degree auditor?
When a student applies for graduation a preliminary evaluation is conducted. A preliminary evaluation is an administrative process that determines a student eligibility for their degree, upon receipt of the student’s application for graduation. This process is ongoing, since many students are in progress of completing their requirements during this time. An email notification is sent to students from the graduation audit unit towards the end of the term as final grades are submitted.
What happens at the end of the term and I have completed my classes?
A final graduation audit is done once the Registrar’s Office has received all of the semester’s final grades. If all degree requirements are met, the student’s record is certified (closed). The Registrar’s Office will mail a letter to confirm successful completion.
In addition, a student can check their unofficial transcript through CUNYfirst when the degree is conferred (awarded).
To view unofficial transcripts through CUNYfirst: Unofficial Transcript Instructions
How do I know when my degree is ready?
The Registrar’s Office will mail each confirmed graduate a letter pertaining to procedures for picking up your degree. It is important that you provide the correct mailing address and contact information. This information can be checked in your CUNYfirst Student Center.
To check personal information through CUNYfirst: CUNYfirst account > Student Center > Personal Information
Can I get a letter verifying that I graduated?
Once your degree is conferred and posted to your transcript, you will be able to obtain a letter from the Office of the Registrar confirming your degree. Requests can be sent to certificationletters@hostos.cuny.edu
I have graduated but never pick-up my diploma. How can I get it?
All stops and holds must be cleared on your record before this request can be completed. Once, this has been verified see the process below:
Your diploma can be mailed if you provide a notarized, written statement requesting your diploma to be mailed with the following information
- Name
- Date of Graduation
- Degree earned
- Reason for request
- Address where the diploma is to be mailed
- Your contact information
- Provide a pre-paid postage envelope suggested that provides tracking. Size should be about 11-5/8in x 15-1/8in.
How do I change my name on my diploma?
Records are sealed upon degree conferrals. To officially change your name with the Registrar’s Office before the end of the semester.
General Information about degree conferrals:
- No changes will be made to students’ academic records after the degree has been awarded. Records are sealed.
- It is the degree candidates’ responsibility to notify the Registrar’s Office – Graduation Audit Unit of any outstanding grade appeals.
- All degree requirements must be met before the end of term and prior to the conferral date. This includes:
- Resolution of incomplete grades (INC), permit course grades, grade changes, stops, approved substitutions or exemptions, etc.
- Grade Policy
- Grade Changes (Grades are not changed after the degree is conferred)
- Credit Deduction occurs for repeated courses.
- A minimum grade point average of 2.00 is required.
- A mimimum of 60 credits is required for an associate degree.
- Complete 30crs. in residence. If you are a transfer or a second-degree student at Hostos Community College, 50% of the 60 credits must be done at Hostos Community College).