Spring 2025


500 Grand Concourse, Rm. B417,
Bronx, NY 10451    


Spring 2025: Course Schedule and Descriptions
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, December 13th

Class Dates:

Monday, January 29th – Wednesday, May 22nd (M/W in-person or synchronous classes)

Tuesday, January 30th – Wednesday, May 22nd (T/TH in-person or synchronous classes)


Courses without an asterisk: 75 ELA or higher and 80 overall GPA
Courses with an asterisk: overall GPA 80 or higher, 65+ ELA Regents (if taken)
If not taken at least 80 or higher average in all H.S. ENG courses taken

The Spring 2025 semester will offer three-course modalities: fully in-person, online asynchronous, and online synchronous. Please see the definitions and course information below. All virtual classes will be facilitated via Brightspace.

(IP) IN-PERSON: You are participating in a traditional on-campus course that meets once or twice a week at a scheduled time.  Students must be committed to arriving on time and attending all class sessions.

(OA) ONLINE ASYNCHRONOUS: You are not required to log onto a virtual classroom Blackboard (Bb) at a specified time. Students do not have to follow a strict schedule to engage in live classes or discussions; the only requirement for when they turn in their work is the assignment deadlines posted by the professor in emails, Bb, or in the syllabus.

(OS) ONLINE SYNCHRONOUS: Synchronous class meetings resemble traditional on-campus in-person classes in that students must be (virtually) present at the same time. Though they are conducted virtually, synchronous classes meet in real-time. Students must commit to scheduled class times and sign onto their virtual learning platform on a set schedule


College Now students are permitted to enroll in only one course across CUNY campuses per semester.


Must have access to a working computer/laptop and internet
Mondays and Wednesdays

CJ 101: Introduction to Criminal Justice Administration
Monday and Wednesday, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm 3 credits 
Students will examine the roles and functions of institutions within the criminal justice system at the federal, state, and local levels. Emphasis is placed on interaction between the police, the courts, and correctional institutions on the quality of life in the South Bronx community. 75+ ELA and 80 overall GPA.

COMM 110: Fundamentals of Public Speaking**
Monday and Wednesday, 4:15 pm - 5:30 pm 3 credits
Students will learn to present introductions; present impromptu and manuscript speeches; perform exercises to improve public speaking technique; create outlines; and present informative and persuasive speeches. Overall GPA 80 or higher, ELA (if taken) 65+ If not taken at least 80 or higher average in all H.S. ENG courses taken.


Must have access to a working computer/laptop and internet
Tuesday and Thursdays
DD 101: Introduction to Digital Toolbox 
Tuesday and Thursdays 4:15 pm – 5:30 pm 3 credits
Students who are interested in graphic or digital design and animation will learn essential software, including the Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.), Apple’s iMovie, Garage Band, and PowerPoint. Students must be committed to visiting the Hostos computer lab or lab with appropriate software outside of class time in order to complete and submit assignments.

HLT 110: Introduction to Community Health 
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:15 pm – 5:30 pm 3 credits
Students will learn about the spread and control of diseases; the role of various health organizations (including hospitals and clinics) and their role in community health; principles underlying healthy behavior, learning, and change; theories of health behavior, and practical models for community health worker interventions. Overall GPA 80 or higher, ELA (if taken) 65+ If not taken at least 80 or higher average in all H.S. ENG courses taken.

MAT 120: Introduction to Probability & Statistics
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm 3 credits
Students will identify, define, and compute the measures of central tendency and dispersion; develop frequency distributions and related histograms; determine the level of correlation; and draw inferences from regression lines. *MAT 120 is for students interested in Allied Health or Social Sciences, and will also fulfill CUNY Pathway requirements.

MAT 150: College Algebra with Trigonometric Functions**
Tuesday and Thursdays 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm 4 credits
This course introduces the concept of mathematical functions in preparation for further studies in pre-calculus, calculus and an introduction to the study of trigonometric functions. Students interested in MAT 150 must register for the math placement exam by clicking the link below and completing the survey by 11/25. The math placement exam will be held at Hostos on Tuesday, 12/3 @ 4:00 PM.
Click here to register for the Hostos College Now MAT 150 Placement

PSY 101: General Psychology `
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:15 pm – 5:30 pm 3 credits
Students will be introduced to the various areas of psychology, including methods, learning and memory, sensations, perception, physiological processes, emotions, drives personalities, abnormal behavior, psychotherapy, individual differences, social behavior, and growth and development. 75+ ELA and an 80 overall GPA.

Must have access to a working computer/laptop and internet
Mondays and Wednesdays

SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology
Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:15 pm – 5:30 pm 3 credits
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basic topic of sociology, including social mobility, role status, race and prejudice, and factors leading to social change. 75+ ELA and an 80 overall GPA.

Must have access to a working computer/laptop and internet

Tuesdays and Thursdays

BLS 114: The African American Experience**
Tuesday In Person and Thursday HYBRID, 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM 3 credits
Students will discuss and analyze problems relating to the financing and operation of businesses, learn the principles of business management, and use case studies to understand business concepts. Overall GPA 80 or higher, ELA (if taken) 65+ If not taken at least 80 or higher average in all H.S. ENG courses taken.

Must have access to a working computer/laptop and internet

BUS 100: Introduction to Business**
Asynchronous, no meeting 3 credits
Students will discuss and analyze problems relating to the financing and operation of businesses, learn the principles of business management, and use case studies to understand business concepts. Overall GPA 80 or higher, ELA (if taken) 65+ If not taken at least 80 or higher average in all H.S. ENG courses taken.

Students interested in SPA 121 or FRE 117 must complete the link by Monday, November 25th to sit for the Native Language Assessment on Wednesday, November 27th. The assessment will be facilitated via online and through email.
Click here to register for the Hostos Native Language Placement Assessment

SPA 121: Spanish Composition I
Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:15 PM-5:35 PM 3 credits
The course deals with enhancement of oral and written use of the Spanish language, emphasizing its specific form of writing (narrative, description, definition, exposition), its reading comprehensive and its grammatical structure. The course will gradually develop the students’ ability to think logically and critically. Precision of vocabulary, coherence, and transferability of skills for learning a second language will be reinforced. *The student transcript will acknowledge the course as SPA 117. This is done to grant credit for the NYCPS Seal of Biliteracy.

FRE 117: French for Heritage Speakers
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:15 PM-5:35 PM 3 credits
This course will support and develop the learning of the French language and Francophone language for newly immigrated students of Francophone backgrounds. Students will gain proficiency in French and maintain their connections to cultures and identities. Additionally, the course will encourage students to advance their French speaking and writing as part of their skill set in a competitive global job market.

 If you have any questions, please email us at collegenow@hostos.cuny.edu