Students verifying residency must complete the Hostos Community College Application for New York Residency. The form can also be picked up at the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, B Building Room 102.
To qualify for the resident tuition rate at Hostos Community College based on residence in the State of New York, a student must:
- Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or in a qualifying immigration status (for information on qualifying immigration statuses, Click Here); AND
- Have continuously maintained his/her principal place of abode in the State of New York for a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes AND
- Either (1) have continuously maintained his/her principal place of abode in New York City for at least the last six months immediately preceding the first day of classes OR (2) if the student is a resident of a New York State county outside of New York City, obtain and present a valid certificate of residence to the CUNY community college from his/her home county; AND
- Have a bona fide intention of living in New York permanently.
County Certificate of Residency:
Hostos Community College requires students who reside in New York State, but not in New York City to provide a Certificate of Residency from their county of residence. When obtained, a copy must be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment and the original to the Business Office no earlier than two months prior to the first day of classes.
To obtain a certificate of residency, follow the instructions on your county's website: