Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D., President
Yoel Rodríguez, Professor, Natural Sciences Department
- Babette Audants, Dean of Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning & Assessment (recommended by the OIERA)
- Thomas Beachdel, Professor, Humanities Department (recommended by the Chair of the College-wide Senate)
- Charles I. Drago, Acting Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
- Andrea Fabrizio, Professor, English Department (recommended by the College-wide P&B)
- Evelyn Fernandez-Ketcham, CEWD
- Johanna Gómez, Dean of Students
- Diana Kreymer, Executive Chief of Staff
- Idelsa Mendez, Development Manager, OIA
- Esther Rodríguez-Chardavoyne, Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance and Interim Vice President of Student Development and Enrollment Management
- Kelba Sosa, Director of Grants and Research Administration
- Antonios Varelas, Professor, Behavioral and Social Sciences