Hostos Community College is beacon of hope for all students who attend. We want to support and congratulate you on all of your efforts. If you want to share your success story, please feel free to reach out to a member of the Hostos Justice Committee. John G. Class of 2021 How A Former Drug Dealer Charts a Path for New York’s Renewal, New York Times, May 20, 2021 Barack Obama grants clemency, Facebook, June 28, 2021 Tomas C, Class of 2017 Meet the Formerly Incarcerated Software Engineers who Built a No-Police Alternative to 911, Medium, September 17, 2020 Devon S. Class of 2016 It’s Never Too Late to Go to College and Rewrite Your Story - The New York Times (, New York Times, December 7, 2021 Positively Black: Prison to College Pipeline, NBC News October 27, 2019