The Office of Research Programs at Hostos and the Hostos Research Center (HRC) Committee on Sponsored Programs and Grants (CSPG) Announces the ADvancing Excellence in Liberal Arts, scieNces, Technology and Engineering (ADELANTE) Winning Proposals.
Track 1 | Expand Research Opportunities for Faculty and Staff in All Disciplines
Purpose and Sustainability: Lessons Learned from the Interrogation of Title V Program Legacy at Hostos Beyond the Funding Period
Ms. Silvia Reyes | PI – Award $6,000
Dr. Nelson Nuñez Rodríguez, Ms. Sarah Brennan | Co-PIs
OAA | Natural Sciences Department
Teaching Action Research to Pre-service Teachers to Increase Research Knowledge and Evidence-based Practices
Dr. Sonia Maldonado Torres | PI – Award $10,000
Education Department
The Role of Old Hollywood Movies in LGBTQ Older Adults Self-Development
Dr. Mateo Sancho Cardiel | PI – Award $7,225
Behavioral and Social Sciences Department | Humanities Department
Lab to Land: Development of a Biomedical Workforce through Biomedical Research
Dr. Debasish Roy | PI – Award $10,000
Natural Sciences Department
Peer Observation at Hostos: A Collaborative Practice
Dr. Diana Macri | PI – Award $10,000
Mr. Carlos Guevara | Co-PI
Allied Health Department | Educational Technology | Center for Teaching and Learning
Imagining an Agnostic Course Design through an Online Teaching Hive (OTH)
Dr. Jacqueline Disanto | PI – Award $10,000
Education Department | Center for Teaching and Learning
Cracked Codes: Humor and Philosophy in Carmelita Tropicana’s and
Susana Chávez-Silverman’s Mixed Genre Writing
Dr. Inmaculada Lara Bonilla – Award $3,300
Humanities Department
Track 2 | Expand Undergraduate Research Opportunities Based on Faculty Expertise
Making Evidence-based Student Success Practices the Drivetrain of Our Strategic Plan and Operational Priorities
Dr. Asrat G. Amnie | PI – Award $6,000
Education Department
Analysis of the Distribution of GIRK1⁄GIRK2 Channel and CPT1C Protein in Different Subregions of the Hippocampus in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Dr. Maria del Carmen Inda | PI – Award $8,000
Natural Sciences Department
Addressing Environmental Issue of Water Pollution with Phytoremediation
Dr. Anna Ivanova | PI – Award $8,000
Dr. Flor Henderson | Co-PI
Natural Sciences Department
Hostos Games Studio, Pilot Program
Marcelo D. Viana Neto, MFA | PI – Award $8,000
Humanities Department