Hostos Events

Closing concert and Convos
Los Bravitos de la Plena
A premiere of a musical presentation by
the next generation of pleneros in Puerto Rico, Los Bravitos de la Plena

Following the performance, stay tuned and participate in a meet & greet convo with the band members and BomPlenazo Advisory Committee

Playing music, writing songs and performing from since before their teens, using plena panderos with sizes that rivaled their own body height, Los Bravitos de la Plena, a group of friends and siblings from Ceiba, Puerto Rico, broke out on the Plena scene in 2016, surprising and endearing all those who saw them play. The speed, knowledge and sophistication of their sounds matched those of groups three times their age, truly showcasing the promise of the next generation of Pleneros on the island. For the first time ever on BomPlenazo’s “stage”, Los Bravitos close out the BomPlenazo online Festival, ending with an eye towards the future showcasing a new wave of plena, directly from El Taller Comunitario La Goyco.