College Wide Senate

College Wide Senate

Welcome to the College Senate’s webpage. As we develop this page, we intend to have links to the agendas and minutes of our Senate meetings, the Senate Executive Committee, and for each of our Standing Committees.

College-Wide Senate Roster
Our mandate and functions, as outlined in Article I, Section 1 of our Charter of Governance, are the following:
“The College Senate will, in consultation with the administration and other groups in the College, recommend policy on all College matters, except for those within the domain of the President or any other Officer of the College or The City University of New York, as set forth in the By-laws of the Board of Trustees. The Senate shall be specifically responsible for the formulation of academic policy and for consultative and advisory functions related to the programs, standards, and goals of the College.
The College Senate shall:
A. Undertake any course of action within its authority, to help achieve the mission of the College within the College community and The City University.
B. Serve in an advisory capacity and have representation on all committees established by the President, the Vice Presidents, and/or the Deans to further the mission of the College, especially Search Committees established by the College.
C. Have the power to formulate new policy recommendations and to review already existing ones in areas including but not limited to the following:
  1. Awarding of degrees, honors and credits
  2. Degree requirements
  3. Development of curricula
  4. Development of new academic and student services programs (including interdisciplinary and exchange programs) and review of existing ones, as well as developing, reviewing, and implementing policies related to disabled students
  5. Grading practices and standards
  6. College Library
  7. College admission procedures and requirements
  8. Evaluation of faculty
  9. Affirmative Action/504 compliance
  10. Budget and Finance
  11. Grants
  12. Facilities
  13. Creating any standing, ad hoc, and special committees as it deems necessary
  14. Proposing amendments to, and revisions of, the By-laws of the Board of Trustees
  15. Recommending any other actions that the Senate may deem appropriate
D. Perform other functions including but not limited to participation in the search committees for Vice Presidents and all Deans.”