For assistance with Physical Science Unit processes by phone, please call 718.518. 4129. For assistance via email, please send messages to Dane Guerrero at For assistance with Biology Unit processes by phone, please call 718.518. 4128. For assistance via email, please send messages to Tanya Navarro at Between the hours of 9am-5pm, your calls and messages will be returned.
The mission of the Natural Sciences Department is to provide high quality in educational programs in science and engineering as well as in support courses for the AAS, Allied Health and Liberal Arts programs. The Department assists students to: develop the skills required to analyze the mechanics of the natural and physical environment, learn to think critically, communicate effectively, cultivate an understanding of basic scientific and ethical values, and become responsible citizens of the world. The department also plays a major role in guiding our students of diverse, multicultural backgrounds to acquire advanced knowledge and research skills empowering them to pursue higher education degrees in science and engineering.