Eligible Majors
Student Stories
Contact Us


What is ASAP?

ASAP is a comprehensive program designed to help motivated community college students earn their degrees as quickly as possible, with a goal of graduating at least 50% of students within three years. ASAP is supported by the City and State of New York, the Robin Hood Foundation, and the Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation.

ASAP Benefits

As an ASAP student, you receive the following benefits:

  • A dedicated advisor to guide your progress from entry to graduation
  • A scholarship covering tuition and mandatory fees for any gap after applying your financial aid award (for students receiving financial aid)
  • Free unlimited MetroCard
  • Textbook assistance to reduce (or eliminate) the cost of textbooks
  • Special registration options that help you get the classes you need that also fit your schedule
  • Building career development competencies with our Career Specialists and academic support services
  • Opportunity to take classes with fellow ASAP students to foster and build your network

If you are interested in participating in the ASAP program, submit an ASAP Interest Form. Once the form is submitted, a member of the Recruitment team will reach out to you.

If you have any questions, contact the ASAP Recruitment team at


Why Join ASAP?

Due to a variety of stressors and responsibilities, many community college students are not able to complete their associate degrees in a timely manner. ASAP helps to eliminate these stressors by providing select community college students with the academic, social and financial support they need to graduate with an Associate in Arts or Associate in Applied Science degree in no more than three years.


To be eligible for ASAP, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a current or newly accepted student at Hostos Community College
  • Be skills proficient in English (Reading/Writing) and Math OR require no more than two semesters of developmental support based on the CUNY Proficiency Score Index
  • Be a NYC or NYS resident
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application
    • Students who do not receive financial aid may join ASAP, however, they will not be eligible to receive the tuition gap scholarship
  • Agree to enter into a full-time associate degree program in an approved major and graduate within six semesters from the time of entry.
    • ASAP at Hostos does not accept students majoring in Radiology Technology or Dental Hygiene
  • Be a continuing/transfer student with less than 21 credits 
  • Be a continuing student with a minimum of 2.0 GPA 

Steps to Join ASAP at Hostos

Step 1: Be a current Hostos student or Apply to Hostos Community College.

Step 2: File for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application each year.*

Step 3: Accept your offer of admission and complete all admissions requirements.

Step 4: Fill out an ASAP Interest Form. Click here to submit a form. Once the form is submitted, a member of the Recruitment Team will reach out to you.

*All ASAP and ACE students (US Citizens and Permanent Residents) must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application each year, and accept any federal and state grant aid awarded (Pell, SEOG, TAP). Students not in receipt of financial aid but otherwise eligible may join, but may not receive a tuition waiver. See the CUNY Financial Aid Brochure <pdf>.

Not eligible to file for Financial aid? No problem! You can still join ASAP and receive all the ASAP benefits except for the tuition and fee gap scholarship. Students must notify the recruitment team for further instructions. The New York State Dream Act helps students receive state aid, including TAP, Excelsior, and other state-administered scholarships. Visit for eligibility and to apply.

Financial Aid 101:
How to Navigate the Financial Aid Application Process

Programs of Study

ASAP seeks to support students in various majors provided the maximum amount of credits necessary to graduate does not exceed 60 credit hours.

ASAP at HOSTOS accepts all of the majors in the following degree programs:

Associate In Arts (A.A.) Degree Programs

Associate In Science (A.S.) Degree Programs

Associate In Applied Science (A.A.S.) Degree Programs

ASAP at HOSTOS does NOT accept the following majors:

For more information email the ASAP Recruitment team at

Student Stories

ASAP at HOSTOS serves a vibrant group of students. These students represent a broad range of ages, backgrounds, and academic aspirations. ASAP has been a powerful influence in their lives—read their ASAP story.

Hostos ASAP 2019 Stories



My biggest fear about coming back to school was handling the finances. Not long after, I came across the ASAP Program. The program helped to alleviate many of the burdens that came along with me going back to school as a non-traditional student and low-income student. They covered what financial aid did not cover and included funds for textbooks, provided me with the blessing of an unlimited MetroCard per semester, and offered stellar advisement to help me navigate a very unfamiliar and confusing academic world.

If you are interested in participating in the ASAP program, please contact us by email at

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Phone: (718) 518-6606 

Address:  Hostos Community College 
                  Hostos ASAP
                  429 Grand Concourse, 2nd Floor
                  Bronx, NY 10451
Room: M-Building, 200


Meet the staff


    Siddique Mohamed           Chrystal Joseph             Ebony Pulley 
        ASAP Director            Associate Director of       Associate Director
                                           Collaborative Strategy         of Advisement


        Office Staff 
      Juana A. Soriana         Berkis Cruz-Eusebio           Kendra Pinks   
      Data Coordinator          Career Specialist           Academic Program
     Sacharie Moodie       Arelys Pena-Cuautle      Nathaly Rodriguez
         Recruitment                 Recruitment                  Administrative 
          Coordinator                 Coordinator                    Coordinator

           Nicholas Valente
         Financial Aid Specialist

     ASAP Academic Advisors 
                 Carina Colon           Norman Hoyte        Maria Ramos-Esperanza
           Academic                 Academic                     Academic 
             Advisor                    Advisor                         Advisor

           Kenia Alvarez-Sanchez     Jennifer Reynoso      
                       Academic                         Academic                   
                            Advisor                             Advisor                       

     Jowayne Turner          Lenny Romano
                          Academic                     Academic                   
                Advisor                        Advisor         
        Jomayra Pena           Theodore LaPerre         Sean Corley
            Academic                    Academic                   Academic 
              Advisor                       Advisor                       Advisor 
       ASAP Ambassadors
            Kobe Jacobs        Steven Sanchez        Monifa Garcia Perez 
     ASAP Ambassador   ASAP Ambassador   ASAP Ambassador
      ASAP Peer Mentors 
                  Amanda Vasquez       Elijah Turbides        
                          Peer Mentor              Peer Mentor              
         Nicole Rosas Gutierrez
              Peer Mentor
                       ASAP College Assistant            

                            Afnan Farea                 Christopher Yenchko 
                         College Assistant                College Assistant 
                    Sada Johnson          Steven Diaz           Jean Garcia Yaport         
                 College Assistant   College Assistant       College Assistant      

Follow ASAP on Social Media

 Follow ASAP on Instagram Follow ASAP on LinkedIn

Hostos ASAP
429 Grand Concourse, 2nd floor
Bronx, NY 10451
Telephone: (718) 518-6606
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