Proyecto Access

Science and Technology Entry program (STEP)Science and Technology Entry program (STEP)

In 1996, in response to the decline of freshman engineering enrollment among minority students, NASA funded the Proyecto Access New York Pre-Freshman Engineering program (NYPREP). The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) developed the project in conjunction with eight institutions of higher learning. Now operating in nine cities, the program recruits high achieving middle and high school students and enrolls them in a rigorous summer curriculum of pre-engineering, problem solving, logic, computer science, algebraic structures, physics, and internet technologies.

The program is designed to identify social and economically disadvantaged middle and high school students with the potential to become scientists or engineers and provide them with academic enrichment and reinforcement in the pursuit of these fields. Proyecto Access STEP is a year-round program with an intensive seven-week summer session that reinforces the development of students’ abstract reasoning and problem solving skills. It provides a rigorous, engaging, high quality education to all its participants. The program places particular emphasis on learner-centered instruction, technology uses in classroom, and preparation of students for their transition from school to the high technology workplace. Proyecto Access encourages the participation of high achieving women and minority students so that they will continue their studies through college graduation with majors in science, engineering, and other mathematics-based disciplines.

Proyecto Access' Website:
STEP for Leaders:

Moise Koffi, Director
Room A-126
Tel. 718.518.6774