Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Council
This cross-divisional faculty-driven committee and guided by the Faculty Development and Curriculum Committee concentrates on meeting the professional needs of faculty from across the disciplines. A priority of this committee is to encourage faculty to rethink and put into practice innovative pedagogical methods that answer the basic and advanced needs of students to increase overall retention and graduation rates. The Council models innovation through unconventional programming intended to inspire faculty to consistently recreate curriculum to enhance the learning environment throughout the course of the student’s academic careers. The Council exists to refresh and invigorate all faculty including adjuncts, and push them to excel professionally.
Professor Cynthia Jones
English Department
Room: B-523
(718) 518-6807
Carlos Guevara
Center for Teaching and Learning
Room: B-442
(718) 319-7974
Click here for more information.
CW Curriculum Committee
The College-wide Curriculum Committee (CWCC) is a Senate subcommittee which sets curricular policies and serves as an advisory board to academic faculty who develop and revise degree program and course curricula.
Professor Sherese Mitchell
Education Department
Educational Technology Leadership Council (ETLC)
The ETLC includes faculty representatives from each of the academic departments, the Director of the Office of Educational Technology (EdTech) as well as key EdTech coordinators. The ETLC is charged with monitoring and evaluating campus educational technology policies and procedures and making recommendations when needed. ETLC faculty members promote the use of educational technology within their respective departments and advocate for technology needs.
Carlos Guevara
Educational Technology Department
Room: C-559
Kate Lyons
Room: A-213J
(718) 518-4213
General Education Committee
The General Education and Assessment Committee is driven by cross-disciplinary faculty and administrators whose interest is to infuse the curriculum with learning experiences that are focused on skill and knowledge building that are centrally focused on the Gen Ed core competencies which span the disciplines. The Committee promotes inclusion of the Principles of Excellence adopted by the faculty from the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). The committee also encourages classroom assessment of student skill development, and provides guiding principles that lead faculty to develop an innovative curriculum that is rich with diverse academic learning experiences that strengthen basic and advanced-level skills and foundations of knowledge.
Professor Cynthia Jones
English Department
Room: B-523
(718) 518-6807
Click here for more information.
Honors Committee
The Honors Committee was reorganized in the summer of 2009, and administers the Global Scholars program, the Hostos Scholars program, and the college’s honors programs in the Liberal Arts, Liberal Arts in Science, Engineering, Dental Hygiene, Business Management, Business, and Accounting programs. Committee members are responsible for mentoring, advising, and monitoring the progress of Honors Students, planning, organizing, and attending all Honors colloquia, events and functions, and planning winter and summer institutes and study abroad programs. The Honors Committee is chaired by the Director of Honors, and its membership consists of members of the faculty and staff. The committee liaises with the Coordinator of the Global Scholars program.
Professor Cynthia Jones
English Department
Room: B-523
(718) 518-6807
Professor Ernest Ialongo
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Room: B-317
(718) 319-7933
College-Wide Senate Committees
The Charter of Governance outlines fifteen standing Senate committees with members elected to serve three-year terms. For additional information about the Senate committees, please click here.