CUNY TV, the public educational television station of The City University of New York, and “LATiNAS,” one of the station’s Emmy nominated shows, will premiere a six-part series focused on Latinos and hip-hop. The first show in the series will air at 9 p.m. on August 11, which is the 50th anniversary of the house party that was held in a community room at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx, now cited as a formative event in hip-hop’s development and regarded by many as its birthday.
“Hip-Hop Subway: The L Line” is co-hosted by Elena Romero and Tuffy Questell. Romero, a longstanding correspondent and producer for “LATiNAS” and respected hip-hop journalist who earlier this year
co-curated an exhibition celebrating hip-hop style, enlisted Questell, who is best known as co-host of the long-running hip-hop video show, “Video Music Box.” The series will air new episodes monthly through December.
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