Public Safety wants to make you aware of construction work happening around campus:
As part of the Lower Concourse Initiative, construction work is scheduled for the following days:
8-7/9-1 (Daytime) mini pile installation at NB Exterior St. between 146th St. - 144th St. The roadway will be reduced to single lane and there will be possible detours.
8-7/9-1 (Daytime) sewer excavation at SB Exterior St. Ramp to 138th St. The roadway will be reduced to single lane and there will be possible detours.
8-7/9-1 (Daytime) sewer installation at NB Exterior St. between 146th St. - 149th St. Roadway closed. Vehicles will follow possible detours.
8-7/9-1 (Daytime) sidewalk and new curb installation at E. 150th St. - 149th St. The roadway will be reduced to single lane and there will be possible detours.