1. How do I begin my job search? |
Schedule an appointment with a Career Coach before applying for jobs. Prepare a professional portfolio, which includes a resume and job search letters.
Career Services D-210, careerservices@hostos.cuny.edu or call 718-518-4468
2. I have a resume completed. Must I meet with a Career Coach before submitting my resume to employers? |
Yes, your resume needs to be approved by a staff member before applying to postings.
3. How often does the CS office obtain new postings of employment opportunities? |
On a weekly basis.
4. How often should I search for employment |
If you are in need of immediate employment you should search for employment on a daily basis and check in with a Career Coach.
5. I have sent my resume to many employers and haven’t had any response, what do I do now? |
Follow-up with the employers. You may contact an employer after 2 weeks of submitting your resume. Be patient , but you should also schedule another appointment with a Career Coach to discuss job search strategies and re-evaluate your portfolio. In addition, you should attend the scheduled workshops.
6. What can I do to gain experience related to my major if I have no work experience? |
Iinternships and volunteer opportunities are the best way to get hands on experience and quality supervision.
7. How do I know if jobs that are posted are still available? |
Some positions will have a closing date posted. If not, you may contact the employer and ask if the position is still available.
8. What should I do to increase my chances of finding a good job? |
In addition to looking at our job listings diligently, network with people who may have contact suggestions for you, approach employers of interest to you directly, be sure you have put your best effort into writing your resume and are prepared to handle interview questions well. Consider being more flexible if you are having difficulty.
9. I just graduated. Am I still eligible to receive services? |
Yes. We provide individualized career services up to 1 ½ years after graduation. Alumni who have registered with the Alumni Relations office may register for workshops and search for employment on the Career Services Website.
10.What happens after I find a job? |
Let us know when you're hired and how our services assisted you in obtaining employment. Speak to a career coach to learn successful strategies for "Keeping the Job".
11. How do I search for jobs or internships? |
Log in to Handshake app.joinhandshake.com
Use your school email. Emails ending in ".edu" will get you quicker access. @stu.hostos.cuny.edu
For easier access download the Handshake app in your App Store or Google Play. https://joinhandshake.com
Look for “sign up” button, usually located in the top right corner of the page.
Use the search bar to find your school. Hostos partners with Handshake, so we might already have an account for you. The app will let you know!
Fill in the required information:
Name, major, school graduation month & year and EMPL ID.
Handshake will send you an email confirmation to the email address provided. Open the email and click on the confirmation link.
Set up your password. 8 character minimum.
Once your account is set up, start exploring job and internship opportunities, company profiles and career events!