Deloitte Summer Internship (Accounting & Business majors)
Deloitte LLP is one of the largest and most respected international accounting firms in business. Deloitte recruiters are seeking Hostos' students pursuing an Accounting major and planning to transfer to a 4-year college. Paid internship opportunity for students starting with a discovery internship and each summer after have access to interships that lead to careers at Deloitte!
Planning to pursue a career in Accounting, consider an experience at Deloitte. Your internship experience will include personalized mentorship, professional training and continuous learning through Deloitte University.
Students must be in their last year to apply and expected to graduate by the spring semester to be eligible for the summer internship in their graduation year.
Please see the link below for their paid sophomore Discovery internship application. This offer is for Accounting students who are graduating in the spring and planning to pursue a bachelor degree in the Fall. Please include your expected transfer school in the resume.
Tips and Resources:
National application deadline: February 13th
1. Send a copy of your resume and most recent transcript
(unofficial or official) to your college’s point of contact (POC) Ms. Dulce Toppenberg, Student Career Program Specialist,
2. Use the links to apply to the position Discovery Intern and learn more on Deloitte’s careers page (check website often for application availability)
Audit & Assurance Discovery Sophomore Internship - Summer
Apply online: Job Search | Deloitte US
3.3 GPA minimum
Graduating and will enroll at a 4 year institution in the Fall
On a 150-credit CPA track
Applications open early, before the summer session and deadlines are in February. Students must apply online and notify Career Services. A resume and unofficial transcript is provided to Career Services and the office sends it to the hiring manager at Deloitte.