Sources of Funding
The Division of Academic Affairs receives funding from the sources outlined below.
Tax-Levy funds are tax dollars allocated to Hostos by CUNY Central and subject to regulations that govern tax-levy expenditures. Tax-levy funds are the division's main source of funding and all expenditures are processed via HR (for personnel related expenses) and CUNYfirst (for all other expenses).
Grants are awarded by foundations, private organizations and government agencies. Grant funding must be used to reach specific goals outlined in successful grant proposals. Grant funding is usually processed by the Hostos Grants Office in collaboration with the Research Foundation.
Donations typically are made by private individuals and organizations. Donations can be either restricted or unrestricted. A restricted donation is used to fund a specific project supported by the donor. An unrestricted donation is more flexible and can be used to support various projects. Donations are processed via the Business Office.
Student Fees are assigned to the Student Activity Fund (which funds clubs) and the Tech Fee Fund (which funds technological upgrades across campus). Each academic department is invited to apply for Tech Fee funding via a request submitted by the department’s representative on the Educational Technology Leadership Council (ETLC). Tech Fee funding decisions are determined by a cross –divisional committee which includes student representation.
PSC CUNY funds are provided to support professional development activities. Each academic department receives an allocation at the start of the fall semester that is based on the number of full-time faculty in the department.
Division Allocations
Each summer OAA receives a tax-levy budget allocation to support the division’s activities for the following academic year. Prior to funding special initiatives, OAA funds standard operating costs. These costs include supplies, administrative support, adjuncts and tutoring. Tutoring is one of the largest expenses for the division as it funds tutors for the Academic Learning Center (HALC), Writing Center, skills immersion workshops and supplemental instruction classes.
After funds have been allocated to cover regular operating costs, OAA assigns funds in alignment with the institutional goals highlighted in the Hostos Strategic Plan.
Applying for Funds
OAA has implemented an application process for faculty seeking funding for professional travel and for special events. For more information about these processes, please see the links listed below. To request funding for special initiatives (more extensive than a single event), faculty should consult with their chairperson and draft a proposal for funding to be submitted to the provost. The proposal should outline the initiative, demonstrate the benefit to the campus community and clearly outline the financial request along with any other resources that might be needed.
OAA Travel
Event Coordination